Kasradze IP Law Firm at LESI 2024 Annual Conference in Madrid

From April 28th to 30th, 2024, the Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) annual conference was held in Madrid, Spain. This event served as a pivotal platform for intellectual property specialists from around the world to convene and exchange insights.

LESI Annual Conference is renowned for its comprehensive agenda, featuring keynote presentations, panel discussions, and workshops led by prominent experts. With a focus on the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in IP law, the conference provides an invaluable opportunity for participants to enhance networks with industry peers.

Our law firm was represented by its managing partner, Irakli Kasradze. During his participation, Irakli Kasradze engaged in discussions on existing challenges in IP law and exchanged insights with colleagues on navigating the complexities of emerging global IP trends.

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The Georgian Law on Trademarks has been amended

The amendments to the Trademark Law of Georgia have come into force, introducing several changes that bring the law into certain conformity with the EU Trademark legislation and address existing gaps. Specifically, the definition of a trademark has been revised, eliminating the requirement for graphical representation. Additionally, provisions regarding both absolute and relative grounds for refusal have been clarified. It’s noteworthy that the new law has introduced new rules for indicating the list of goods and services. Furthermore, the law has introduced the option of presenting a letter of consent in cases of opposing similar marks. Procedural terms for conducting examinations have also been adjusted. Moreover, the competence of the Chamber of Appeals has been expanded.
These legal changes will be followed by corresponding amendments to the Governmental Resolution determining Georgian IP Office Sakpatenti’s service fees and the Trademark instruction.

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Kasradze IP Law Firm